Department of Political Science
TrygFonden’s Centre for Child Research
Curriculum Vitae CV
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Link til kronik bragt i Politiken d. 16. marts 2023
I am a Professor at Department of Political Science, Aarhus University and Director of TrygFonden’s Centre for Child Research, also at Aarhus University, Denmark. Together with good colleagues from multiple disciplines (political science, economics, psychology), I study education policy from various perspectives.
The organization of teaching
What are the effects of increasing instruction time?
or having an extra teacher in the classroom?
Collaboration with parents
What is the effect of involving parents in shared-book reading?
and how does such involvement influence parents’ feedback to the political system?
Performance information
Minority students
How are students with minority background met by the schools?
How can negative attitudes be reduced?
and what is the effect of an asset-based approach to first language instruction?
Implementation of school interventions
How can schools be nudged to implement new programs?
and how can evidence-based programs be scaled up?
Socio-emotional skills
How do parental education relate to educational achievements and socio-emotional skills among biological and adopted childen?
and how do socio-emotional skills related to academic skills?
Working papers
For new working papers, see Research